NEWS on the road

Pankeplatz fest

with yara & amirali, as part of pankeplatz-fest / mehr-sprach-ich.
Samstag, 6. Juli
13:00 – 18:00 UHR
Walter-Friedrich-Str. 18, 13125 Berlin.

photos: Amirali Ghasemi


Lingo Bingo Kiosk

In 2023 & 2024, we used the space of the Open Tiny Kiosk to reach out in the neighborhood of Harzer Kiez. We have meet a lot of amazing people and did so far new videos & games in:
kurdish, berber, arabic, swahili, russian, brasilian, indian, latvian, farsi.
with the support of Fonds Soziokultur, Quartiersmanagement Harzer Kiez, Global Music Academy
Thank you to open tiny kiosk !!!

Spielkultur festival

15. July 2024
Games at Lingo Bingo Kiosk / Open Tiny and on the street at treptowerstr.
Presentation of Lingo Bingo to the workshop participants.
#Spielkultur #gamicipation #gametheater #urbangaming
geneva NEWS on the road

Cité du Grand Morillon – Presentation


From May 16th to 30th, Lingo Bingo will be working in the new Cité Internationale du Grand Morillon to create videos and games. We will try to embody the local specificities of this (almost ready) neighborhood counting on the expertise of the international community.

We like to invite the inhabitants and workers to participate and collaborate with us to invent new site-specific language games.


Du 16 au 30 mai, Lingo Bingo travaillera dans la Cité Internationale du Grand Morillon pour créer de nouvelles vidéos et jeux. Nous tenterons d’incarner les spécificités locales de ce quartier presque fini et de produire une nouvelle collection d’œuvres, en comptant sur l’expertise de cette communauté internationale.

Nous aimerions inviter les habitants et travailleurs de la cité à participer pour inventer avec nous de nouveaux jeux.

* Urbanology Residency 16.-30. May 2022 (link)
>> 24 Mai 2022 at 6.30pm: TALK on culture / community / play @ the Villa Boccard, urbz Geneva (register here)
>> 17 Mai 2022, présentation du projet à la Cité du Grand Morillon à Genève (fotos)

Thanks to urbz, urbanology & fondation terra & casa for the invitation, Maria Moschou for the foto documentation.
lichtenberg NEWS on the road

unterwegs LB#02

29. Oktober 2021 /// S Nöldnerplatz


31.10 invitation

SUNDAY !!! Sonntag !!! 31.10.2021

  • am S-Bhf Lichtenberg von 15 bis 16:00 Uhr
  • am Freia Platz von 16:30 bis 17:30 Uhr
lichtenberg NEWS

29.10.21 invitation

FRIDAY / Freitag 29.10.2021

  • am S+U Bhf Lichtenberg – Ausgang Siegfriedstr. von 15:00 bis 16:00 Uhr
  • am S-Bhf Nöldnerplatz von 16:30 bis 18:00 Uhr

lichtenberg NEWS on the road VIDEOS


Bärliner Gespräche / Griechisch in Lichtenberg

Meet your neighbours, ask them how they eat, the words they use. Today on the menu we have: Piáto, Pirúni, Potíri, Machaíri

thanks to: Restaurant Athos, Gudrunstr. 5A, 10365 Berlin-Lichtenberg

video & editing: Lili Jenks

lichtenberg NEWS


25. September 2021 /// Werkstatt POMC Siegfriedstr.

we are ready to go !!! soon on the streets of Lichtenberg ….

thanks to the support of Bezirkskulturfonds Lichtenberg, Kiezfonds Alt-Lichtenberg
ready to go
LINGO BINGO fresh out of the workshop… #construction #clairebuildingthings


24. September 2021 /// Werkstatt Siegfriedstr.