Street interventions in multiple languages
Lingo Bingo is an educational and community tool that honors the diversity of our multilingual cities by creating a space where inhabitants can share their language and culture through interactive games.
Video, stop motion, live projection , street art, performance, and improvization combined create an educational, socially engaged, and in situ repertoire of contemporary language games. LingoBingo sees language diversity in multicultural cities as a resource to be cultivated and not a barrier or problem to be solved. Valued languages tend to be European; less valued languages are spoken by immigrant communities. Celebrating the diversity of languages that inhabit our cities and opening spaces for collective and participatory learning can offer a more equal and out of the box dialogue between city dwellers.

People Creating Games Together
Lingo Bingo is a particpative art project that is created, shaped and collectively imagined by individuals and communties. We create content for our street performances by inviting people from all different backgrounds to co create educational language games with us.

The Wagon
The Lingo bingo wagon is a colorful and ambulant cart modeled off fairground games with a street art aestethic. Stationed in the public space as an open classroom, equipped with prizes, two buzzers, performers, and live projections, the wagon invites passer bys to participate in a variety of creative and inventive language games.
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Soon new videos in Schöneweide….
13.07.2024 @Brückenfest in berlin-Schöneweide
06.07.2024 @PANkeplatzfest in berlin-Buch

Lingo-Bingo ist ein besonderer “Spielwagen”, der das Erlernen von Fremdwörtern und Sprachen spielerisch in den öffentlichen Raum trägt. Unterstützt von Live-Videoprojektionen mit Zeichentricktechniken und (städtischen) Kollagen ist der Lingo Bingo-Wagen eine Straßenkunst-Intervention und ein pädagogisches Hilfsmittel zugleich. Von zwei Performerinnen bespielt bringt er Spass, Geschenke, ein bisschen Abenteuer, neue Wörter und ein Stück Kulturaustausch zu Menschen allen Alters und Herkunft.
Lingo-Bingo is a special “game cart” that playfully carries the learning of foreign words and languages into public spaces. Supported by live video projections using stop motion techniques and (urban) collages, the Lingo Bingo cart is both a street art intervention and an educational tool. Played by two performers, it brings fun, gifts, a bit of adventure, new words and a bit of cultural exchange to people of all ages and backgrounds.

- September 2024
- August 2024
- July 2024
- June 2024
- May 2024
- December 2023
- September 2022
- May 2022
- November 2021
- October 2021
- September 2021
- August 2021

Lingo Bingo is supported by:

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